Project Request Form Overview
To better support the implementation of new projects at the University of Dallas, the Office of Information Technology Services has created an ITS Project Request process. The project request process will ensure proper tracking of requested projects, approved projects, and in progress projects. To maximize and plan accordingly, the ITS team needs to understand core details of a project, allowing proper resource allocation, and end user expectations. The Information Systems team will be utilizing suitable project management techniques to assure defined projects are being delivered based upon resource availability, identifying critical tasks, keeping the project on track for delivery, identification of communication plans and training needs, and capturing lessons learned to be used in future projects.
Should I submit a Project Request or a Support Ticket?
Project Request - Most projects consist of a number of steps. A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time. A project is unique in that it is not routine operations, but specific set of tasks designed to accomplish a singular goal.
Examples of Projects:
- Developing a new product or service
- Implementing a new business process
- Implementing a new software or integration
Support Ticket - A support ticket should be entered for routine operational support. Operational support tickets is a generalized term and refers to work performed by Information Technology teams. Typically support tickets are created to interact and track end user support issues.
Examples of a Support Ticket:
- Software installation
- Desktop or peripheral installation or repair
- New report creation
How do I submit a Project Request?
At the bottom of this page click the orange "Submit an ITS Project Request" button. You will be redirected to a Qualtrics form. Once submitted the Information Technology Services team will review the request and reach out with next steps.
How do I submit a Support Ticket?
Phases of the Project:
Initiation Phase
The initiation phase is setting the foundation for later success of the project. During this phase of the project there will be identification of need or problem that the project will solve. Secondly, the information systems team will be able to identify if the project is feasible and will solve the problem.
- Identify key stakeholders supporting the project
- Develop high-level project objectives, constraints, and risks
- Formally authorize project, and project team
- Kick-off project
Planning Phase
- Develop & Refine Scope, Quality, and Project Schedule
- Plan Risk Management & Communications
- Assemble project team
Execution Phase
- Manage project work
- Monitor Progress and Control Changes
- Manage Project Risk and Stakeholder engagement
Closing Phase
- Deliver the project within defined scope
- Document Lessons Learned
- Release Project Team
- Close Project and Next Steps
What is the timeline for review?
Project requests are reviewed by ITS every two weeks and are considered in the context of university priorities, other requests from the same client, the academic calendar, ITS work in progress, capacity, and scope of the request. Review dates are assigned and communicated once a project request has been submitted. A representative from ITS will follow up within three business days of reviewing requests to inform you if your request has been approved, denied, or requires further clarification. If you have any questions or concerns ahead of the review please reach out to
What comprises a Project Team?
Project Sponsor
A project sponsor has a demonstrated interest in the outcome of the project and responsible for securing spending authority and resources for the project. The project sponsor initiates the project request process, is the decision maker for the project, supports the project manager, approves deliverable, and signs off on approvals to proceed in each project phase.
Project Stakeholder
A project stakeholder can be a individual, group, or organization that may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project. Project stakeholders can be internal or external in nature. Not all stakeholders will come into play during a project life-cycle, but identifying them early can assist with project buy-in and expectation setting. Stakeholders will vary with each project that is being requested. You might consider the following examples of a project stakeholder:
- Project Manager
- Team Members
- Executives, Directors, or Managers
- Vendors
- Consultants
- End Users
Project Team
A project team is an organized group of people who are involved in performing shared or individual tasks of the project as well as achieving shared or individual goals and objectives for the purpose of accomplishing the project and producing end results. The project team is responsible in move the project toward successful completion.
Project Request Form questions
- Q1. Project Contact Information (Name, Email, etc.)
- Q2. Project Budget and Cost (Listing all Budget Sponsoring Departments)
- Q3. Describe the Problem, Need or Opportunity as it Relates to This Project. What is the Business Case and Goal of the Project?
- Q4. Have you Identified a Specific Technology Solution to Achieve This Goal?
- Q5. Describe the Identified Specific Technology Solution Below
- Q6. Describe any Data or Information That You Would Like to Store, Manage, or Pass Through a Proposed Solution
- Q7. Who Does This Project Serve?
- Q8. What is the Scale of Impact From This Proposed Project?
- Q9. Select the Anticipated Project Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Department(s)
- Q10. Select the Anticipated Project Responsibilities of the ITS Department
- Q11. Does This Project Reduce Risk?
- Q12. Is This a Mandated Project?
- Q13. Are There Currently Any Other Projects Related to This One, That Rely on Completion of This Project or That Must be Completed for This Project to Succeed?
- Q14. List Any Other Related Project Titles Below
- Q15. Will Any Additional Resources be Required? (Additional Ongoing Staff, Space Considerations, etc.)
- Q16. What is Your Need-By Date or Intended Time-Frame? Include Specific Dates if Known, Otherwise Please Estimate When a Solution Will be Needed and How Long You Think it Might Take to Prepare for Launch
- Q17. Any Additional Project Details
- Q18. Upload Attachment(s)
Submit an ITS Project Request |
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